Web Enumeration
- Burp Suite
- Telerik Fiddler
- amass
- gobuster / (auto)dirbuster / feroxbuster / rustbuster
- nikto
- w3af
- Basically Metasploit for webapps
- TIDoS-Framework
- The Offensive Manual Web Application Penetration Testing Framework
- Basically Metasploit for webapps
- TODO: sparty
- zgrab2
- WARNING: Installation instructions are super shoddy
- Clone to
cd /usr/local/src/zgrab2/cmd/zgrab2
go build
- Maybe need to
go build
the entire thing first?
- Maybe need to
- Clone to
- WARNING: May yield false negatives
- WARNING: Installation instructions are super shoddy
- wappalyzer
- Identify technology on websites
- findomain
- Has paid version
- fingerprintjs
- Browser fingerprinting library
- https://github.com/takeshixx/python-ssllabs
- NSE ssl-cipher-enum
- sqlmap
- lfimap
- LFI discovery/exploitation
- ffuf
- Fuzzer utility
- FDsploit
- File inclusion + directory traversal
- fuzz.txt
- Shortlist for files/directories to fuzz for
- fuzzdb
- General reference point
- radamsa
- General-use fuzzer
- This seems to be geared more towards fuzzing a binary
WAF Bypass
- wpscan
- Scan WP sites
- Beware the payment model (free, but requires registration and comes w/ daily scan limit of ~75 as of writing)
- joomscan
- droopescan
Java RMI
- remote-method-guesser
- Identify common RMI vulns
- rmiscout
- Enumerate remote functions and/or exploit if possible
- BaRMIe
- Enumerate and attack RMI services
TODO: Clean up wording.
What is Java RMI? It's basically an RPC protocol built for the Java ecosystem, typically used by apps to communicate with other apps/components. It isn't necessarily the most modern approach (as opposed to, say, a REST API), but it'll be around for a while (and I'm sure it's better in some usecases).
For JMX endpoints, look for RemoteObject
or RMIServer
in nmap's output. If the JMXRMI endpoint is unauthenticated, you can get a shell on the system with the exploit/multi/misc/java_jmx_server. Worth noting: the scanner part of this tool may lie.
What's JMX? It's be used to monitor and manage a running JVM (read: fewer restrictions on code we can run!), and it typically uses an RMI connector to communicate with clients, hence the mention.
- HackTricks - Pentesting Java RMI
- Attacking RMI based JMX services
- Java JMX Server Insecure Configuration RCE
- Difference between JMX and RMI
Java Debug Wireless Protocol
Just use Metasploit: exploit/multi/misc/java_jdwp_debugger
- ysoserial
- Exploit object deserialization vulns
- CeWL
- Custom Word List generator
- D4N155
- wordlist based on website contents
- Digestive
- Dictionary cracking tool for HTTP Digest challenge/response hashes
- d4js
- Deobfuscate JS
- Not super useful, but links to some nice related projects
- Extract file metadata + hidden info from docs
- js-beautify
- Beautify JS
- LinkFinder
- Find endpoints in JS
- Python script
- linx
- Find invisible links in JS
- interactsh
- Detect OOB interactions, e.g. DNS resolution
- jndi-injection-exploit
- Generate JNDI payloads
- CVE-2022-43684: ServiceNow Insecure Access Control leading to Administrator Account Takeover
- wsgidav
- WebDAV server based on WSGI
- Useful for hosting payloads
- BeEF
- Browser hook
- wwwolf-php-webshell
- PHP webshell
- WebShell
- A collection of webshells + backdoors
- reGeorg WebShell
- For a tunnel
- Vailyn
- Path traversal + LFI
- Weevely
- More advanced PHP webshell
- Simple Data Exfiltration Through XSS
- Grabify
- Create/track URLs