Red Team
- HackTricks
- The canonical reference
- The Hacker Recipes
- Another great reference
- Another great reference
- Red team toolkit
- Awesome red team
- Searchable Metasploit Module Library
- The Penetration testers Framework
- Blue Team Con: Going Atomic
- Using Cutting-Edge Threat Simulation to Harden the Microsoft Enterprise Cloud
- GhostPack
- A number of security tools
- Adversary Emulation Library
- MITRE ATT&CK Campaigns
- Frichetten/tools
- A variety of red teaming tools, but notable because a fair few seem pretty specialized
- Red Team Journal
- Red Teaming Laws (Archive)
- Red Teaming: A Balanced View
- A Primer to Red Teaming
Public Pentest Reports
- Windows domain hardening
- Windows privesc cheatsheets
- Priv2Admin
- Token fun
- Bypass forbidden cmd.exe and Powershell
- Null sessions and user enum
- rpcclient isn't necessarily as reliable as NSE smb-enum-users - it can yield false negatives. Article provides extra RPC functions (NetLogon/MS-NRPC) for the same/similar purposes
- AD Pentesting Notes
- AD Security blog
- Impacket scripts
- AD-Attack-Defense
- Tons of notes on AD attack/defense
- Active-Directory-Exploitation-Cheat-Sheet
- COM Objects P.1: The Hidden Backdoor in Your System
- Group Policy Search
- Windows & Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet and Command Reference
- Low Level Pleasure
- Blog about Windows internals, reversing, malware